Ahmed Nouh
Junior Associate

Ahmed Nouh, a Junior Associate at Eldib & Co since 2021, earned his LLB from Menofia University in 2017 and is currently pursuing further specialization in Commercial Law at Tanta University. His focus on Corporate and Commercial Law has made him an essential member of the team, contributing to the firm’s prowess in these areas. His ongoing education and dedication to legal excellence underscore his commitment to professional growth and the delivery of high-quality legal services. A respected member of the Egyptian Bar Association, Ahmed’s commitment to legal excellence is unwavering.


Ahmed’s role at Eldib & Co involves not just legal representation but also strategic business advising. His understanding of corporate law, combined with his pursuit of advanced education in commercial law, enables him to provide clients with insightful and comprehensive legal counsel. His expertise is particularly beneficial in complex corporate transactions, where he assists clients in navigating the legal and regulatory landscape, ensuring their business objectives are achieved within the legal framework.



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