Egyptian Patent Office
Egyptian Patent Office

Egyptian Patent Office – Transitional period to shift from the paper system to the electronic system

Please find below resolution No. 16 of 2022 dated 23 January 2022 issued by the President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology to set the Transitional period to shift from the paper system to the electronic system to all procedures submitted to the Egyptian Patent Office.

Resolution No. (16) of 2022 On 23/01/2022

The President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology

After perusal of:

• The provisions of Law No. 82 of 2002 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights;
• Presidential Decree No. 377 of 1998 on the reorganization of the Academy of Scientific Research& Technology;
• Prime Minister Decree No. 1366 of 2003 promulgating the Implementing Regulations for Law No. 82 of 2002 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights;
• The statements presented by Dr. Mona Yahia, President of Egyptian Patent Office;

Decided as follows:

(Article I)
The period from 01/01/2022 to 28/02/2022 shall be deemed a transitional period to shift from the paper system to the electronic system. This Resolution shall apply to all procedures contained in the applications submitted to the Patent Office, to include the procedures with legal deadlines.

(Article II)
The provisions of this Resolution shall be applied by all the competent departments.

(Article III)
This Resolution shall come into force as of 01/01 2022, the date set for the start of work at the Patent Office electronically.

(Signed by)

President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology

(A handwritten signature appears on this side)

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr



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